Lista comitatelor ceremoniale din Anglia

Lista județelor ceremoniale din Anglia după populație din 2007. Atenție! Posibile inexactități.

Număr jud judetul, engleza Populație , oameni Suprafață, km² Densitate, persoană/km²
unu Marea Londră Marea Londră 7 548 600 1 571 4806
2 West Midlands West Midlands 2 603 900 902 2888
3 Greater Manchester Greater Manchester 2 562 200 1 276 2008
patru West Yorkshire West Yorkshire 2 181 200 2029 1075
5 Hampshire hampshire 1 705 700 3 769 453
6 Essex Essex 1 688 400 3 677 459
7 Kent Kent 1 647 100 3 737 441
opt Lancashire Lancashire 1 451 500 3076 472
9 Merseyside Merseyside 1 350 200 645 2094
zece South Yorkshire South Yorkshire 1 299 400 1 552 838
unsprezece devonian Devon 1.135.000 6 710 169
12 Surrey Surrey 1 098 300 1670 658
13 Tyne and Wear Tyne and Wear 1 089 400 540 2017
paisprezece North Yorkshire North Yorkshire 1.067.000 8 611 124
cincisprezece Hertfordshire Hertfordshire 1 066 100 1643 649
16 Staffordshire staffordshire 1 064 800 2717 392
17 Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire 1 060 600 2159 491
optsprezece Lincolnshire lincolnshire 1010600 6 959 145
19 Cheshire Cheshire 1003600 2343 428
douăzeci Derbyshire Derbyshire 996 000 2629 379
21 Leicestershire Leicestershire 933 400 2157 433
22 Somerset Somerset 905 700 4 178 217
23 Durham comitatul Durham 886 500 2727 325
24 Norfolk Norfolk 840 600 5 372 156
25 Gloucestershire Gloucestershire 839 000 3 150 266
26 Berkshire Berkshire 825 600 1 264 653
27 West Sussex West Sussex 776 300 1 991 390
28 East Sussex East Sussex 761 800 1 795 424
29 Cambridgeshire Cambridgeshire 760 700 3 396 224
treizeci Buckinghamshire Buckinghamshire 719 000 1874 384
31 Suffolk Suffolk 709 300 3802 187
32 Dorset Dorset 708 100 2653 267
33 Northamptonshire Northamptonshire 678 200 2367 287
34 Wiltshire Wiltshire 642 000 3485 184
35 Oxfordshire Oxfordshire 635 600 2606 244
36 Bedfordshire Bedfordshire 595 800 1235 482
37 East Riding of Yorkshire East Riding of Yorkshire 590 000 2480 238
38 Worcestershire Worcestershire 555 600 1 741 319
39 Cornwall Cornwall 531 600 3 566 149
40 Warwickshire Warwickshire 526 800 1978 266
41 Cumbria Cumbria 497 000 6 823 73
42 Shropshire Shropshire 452 600 3488 130
43 Bristol Bristol 416 400 109 3 804
44 Northumberland Northumberland 310 600 5026 62
45 Herefordshire herefordshire 178 400 2 180 82
46 Insula Wight Insula Wight 139 500 380 367
47 rutland Rutland 38 400 382 98
48 orasul londra Orașul Londrei 11 700 2.9 4029

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Arborele categoriilor Liste: Anglia
